June 04
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Every fleet is different, and what works for one global region may not for another region. Vocational fleets, for example, have specific needs and regulatory requirements that are specific to their functions, and interested attendees can discover the details in this Deep Dive session. This Deep Dive track will focus on concerns that are closely bound to vocational fleet operations with multinational operations. Experts at this session will touch on major issues, which will include rising fixed costs, truck availability, order-to-delivery times, addressing fuel concerns, and more.
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3:30pm-4:30pm: Best Practices in Operating a Vocational Fleet in North America
The session will explore the various requirements in the United States and Canada in successfully managing each stage in the fleet lifecycle, with particular emphasis ranging from specifications to ordering and upfitting, managing operating costs, and strategies to maximize resale values at time of disposal. Learn from in-country and regional experts on standardized best practices, but more importantly the differences and pitfalls to be aware of in each region.
PRESENTER: Kevin Quinn, ARI North America
4:30pm-5:30pm: Strategies to Develop Best-in-Class Vocational Fleets in Australasia, India, and China
The fleet market is the strongest segment driving new-vehicles sales in both Australia and New Zealand, with both economies dominated by vocational fleet vehicles. The largest economic segment of both countries is the service sector with numerous vocational applications, along with telecommunications, construction, and agricultural industries. Learn about best-in-class fleet management strategies to apply to fleet vehicles operating in Australasia. Also, discussed will be the growing fleet markets in India and China and the best practices needed to maximize fleet efficiency and productivity.
PRESENTERS: Reggie Cabal, CEO of ORIX Australia and New Zealand; Scott Thorpe, General Manager, Fleet Business Development for ORIX Australia